Euless | Benbrook | Fort Worth

Vitex in Fort Worth

Vitex in Fort Worth


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Vitex Product Description

(Vitex agnus-castu)

The Vitex, also known as the Chaste Tree, is a deciduous shrub or small tree that is widely used in North Texas. Vitex has a summertime display of purple blooms from mid-summer until early fall. Removing the spent flower spikes after the initial blooms have died will initiate another round of blooms. Vitex grows best in full sun and in well-drained soils. It will tolerate drought and various other soil types, but growth and flowering will be limited. In moist soils, growth can be rapid, but blooms will not be as vibrant in color. Vitex trees require heat for the best flowering. Vitex is best planted in full to partial sun. Grows 12-15 feet tall. Deer resistant.

Why Choose Vitex?

  • Long Blooming Season: Vitex produces stunning flower spikes from late spring through early fall, providing continuous color and interest in the garden.
  • Attracts Pollinators: Vitex’s fragrant flowers attract bees, butterflies, and hummingbirds, making it an excellent plant for supporting local wildlife.
  • Drought Tolerant: Once established, Vitex is highly drought-resistant, thriving in hot, dry conditions with minimal water requirements.
  • Low Maintenance: This resilient plant requires little care, making it ideal for busy gardeners or those looking for an easy-to-grow addition to their landscape.

Additional information


Vitex 3 Gallon Pots $39.88

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