Euless | Benbrook | Fort Worth

Bermuda Grass Sod Pallet

Bermuda Grass Sod Pallet


Bermuda grass, Cynodon dactylon, is a popular lawn grass in North Texas known for its thin blades and soft feel on the feet. Bermuda thrives in the full sun and is not tolerant to shady locations. It is a spreading grass but less invasive than St. Augustine. Bermuda is dormant in the winter months, with optimal growing conditions between 60-90 degrees

  • Local delivery is available for Bermuda Sod Pallets to Dallas Fort Worth metropolitan area only
  • $150 local delivery (2 pallet minimum)
  • $5 Pallet fee refundable upon return
  • Prices are valid for online home delivery orders only
  • Bermuda Sod pallets cover 450 square feet or 50 square yards with 165 pieces of 16″ x 24″ pieces
  • Water for 15 minutes in the morning and evening until the grass is established.
  • There is a 2-pallet minimum. You will not be able to check out unless you have met the minimum pallet requirement.
  • ***Call store for availability
SKU: ber_pallet Category:
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