Fall Army Worm-
Adult moths will be about 3/4 of an inch long and 1 1/2 inches wide.The Male’s front wings are gray and have odd shaped spots near the top. The female’s front wings are usually more dull than the male’s. The back wings of both have a pinkish to white color, with a border of light brown. New larvae have dark black heads and light colored bodies, eventually turning darker as they mature. Full grown larvae are 1 1/3 inches and can be shades of green to black. The head is marked with an upside down Y but this is not necessarily true of all Army Worms. They have 3 white lines that go down from head to tail. Larvae start feeding on their eggshell almost immediately after hatching and quickly attack plants near the soil surface. Larvae grow very rapidly and within 2-3 days begin heavy feeding on plants. They can do severe damage to plants. This is a chewing insect.