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Penta Plants for Sale in Fort Worth

Penta Plants for Sale in Fort Worth


Colorful Penta Plants

Product information on Penta Plants (Pentas lanceolata)

Penta plants are an easy way to ensure you have summer-long color in your garden and yard! Additionally, penta plants are a wonderful way to attract birds, butterflies, and bees to  your yard. Ranging in all kinds of colors like, pink, red, or white, and sometimes purple or lavendar, pentas can get up to 6 feet tall and 3 feet wide, depending on the variety. Pentas are pretty low maintenance as long as they received adequate water and sunlight. It’s also recommended that you apply a healthy amount of mulch around your penta plants to ensure ample nutrition and moisture is maintained.

Pentas are original to Africa and are in the same family as gardenias. Each flower in the group of blooms showcases five delicate petals, which is why the flower is considered to be the “Egyptian Star.” While the penta is non-fragrant, it works sufficiently as an ornamental perennial flower in the garden, or as a shrub. Naturally, the shrub will grow rowdy, so prune well regularly.

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